They needn't leave those customer surveys on the seats like they sometimes do. They could just take a look and see what people think of them in less than 149 characters.
I should point out I don't use FCC, have no vendetta against them and haven't spent ages filtering search results by the way, the following is a genuine snapshot of Twitter though and they may feel free to use it in the AGM:
1. @jimmylemas
Hats off to first capital connect for their on-train toilet facilities. It was like having a slash in the Diana memorial fountain.
2. @StormingHeaven
First Capital Connect must be intimately aware of how unimaginably sh*t their trains are, and yet they still persist without any shame.
3. @HalleStar
That's it I officially hate first capital connect trains.
4. @erinwonderland
First Capital Connect. Why are you so sh*t? Why is it always my train that runs late?! Eurgh.
5. @MissSadiMarie
Glad the weather has picked up for the ride home, shame first capital connect have f**ked up the trains as per usual. Twats.
6. @prdsgn
F*** You First Capital Connect!!!
Guess how many seats are free on the First Capital Connect to London Kings Cross consisting of 8 carriages?
@ThisIsSammy you and First Capital Connect just need to shag and get it over with
First Capital Connect: Your customers are not all cold blooded reptiles that need constant 45C
Just a quick message for first capital connect: YOU F*** F***ING F****ERS OF COMPLETE F***NESS GIVE ME MY F****ING MONEY BACK YOU F***S
You see, First Capital Connect, the trouble with making people's trains late in 2010 is you're just giving them more time to Tweet.